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Sophia Has Arrived Right on Time

Sophia Wilson is a fashion model who lives and surfs in Hawaii alongside her partner and dog.

Date Of Birth
December 18, 1999

Birth Place

Why Is Sophia Wilson Famous?
Sophia is a well-known bikini model who collaborates with numerous brands.

She gained a following on social media thanks to her naturally stunning looks and Hawaiian beaches.

Sophia has been modeling since she was a child.

Who Is Sophia Wilson Dating?
Leonardo Fioravanti and Sophia Wilson have been dating for at least three years. He is a pro surfer and Olympian.

Sophia Wilson Dating History
Fioravanti is a pro surfer from Rome, Italy.

Sophia dated Noa Berry before Leonardo.

Sophia Wilson Social Media
Sophia’s main social media is Instagram. Her first post shows two dogs kissing, added on February 17, 2013.

She also has a TikTok account, but she is not as active as on Instagram.

About Sophia Wilson
Sophia lives in Oahu, Hawaii.

She is signed with LIPPS LA and Renew Artists LLC, a Hawaiian modeling agency.

Sophia played Waterpolo in high school.

Her mom is Stephanie Wilson.

Sophia grew up with both parents and a brother, Clint.

Sophia has a puppy, Marlow.

She enjoys taking photos, working out, and surfing.

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